Musselburgh travel to Corstorphine chess club.

Musselburgh 2 chess club visits Corstorphine 2 chess club Musselburgh team 1 Iain Hope grade 1325 pnum 4379                 Alex McMillan   0-1 2 Maurice Kelly grade 1292 pnum 4550         Bill Hepburn     draw 3 Ronnie Dunnet grade 1224 pnum 9580      Angus Ruthven 0-1 4 Rodolfo Munoz grade u/g pnum 25804      Alistair Crerar   0-1 5 Robert Wilson grade 1075 pnum 21007      Jim Ferguson     1-o 6 David Galbraith grade u/g pnum 24225     Willie Laing        1-0 good lucky guys                                                     Score                     3 1/2 to 2 1/2 well played Corstorphine  2 this was a close game and was right down to the wire we needed a win in the last game to get a draw in the match but game was a draw.

Corstorphine 2 win match against Musselburgh 2

Corstorphine 2 win match against Musselburgh 2  3 1/2 to 2 1/2

Musselburgh 2 vs Sandy Bells 2


David Galbraith drops his queen early in the game this is David’s first match game but even after the Queen blunder David stays at it and turns a defeat into a super Victory by checkmating Peter  his opponent never saw it at all, well played David.

That was the start of a good nights chess for Musselburgh 2 we had 3 wins and two draws and one lost game that was a very hard fought game, unlucky Dave King.

SNCL @ at Dunfermiline Fife

Musselburghchess's Weblog

10401358_10152864613227433_336865346595144353_n Nick West from Civil Service, playing in joint team with the Royal bank of Scotland


Musselburgh Chess club

We had a good day at the Scottish National Chess League.

Our first match was against Hamilton B they only had four players so I stepped down to give Rodolfo Munoz a game this was his first ever chess match for us he is ungraded and was also playing an ungraded player from Hamilton Charlie Malone, Rodolfo was playing well in this unknown environment he got a double check on his opponent and got a free Rook then exchange bishops and a very heavy attack on the king and then a nice checkmate, first game well played.

The team went on to win 4 1/2 to a 1/2

Then played Cs Bos this was a very different match I got a draw against Nick West which I was pleased with and the score was…

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SNCL @ at Dunfermiline Fife


Nick West from Civil Service, playing in joint team with the Royal bank of Scotland


Musselburgh Chess club

We had a good day at the Scottish National Chess League.

Our first match was against Hamilton B they only had four players so I stepped down to give Rodolfo Munoz a game this was his first ever chess match for us he is ungraded and was also playing an ungraded player from Hamilton Charlie Malone, Rodolfo was playing well in this unknown environment he got a double check on his opponent and got a free Rook then exchange bishops and a very heavy attack on the king and then a nice checkmate, first game well played.

The team went on to win 4 1/2 to a 1/2

Then played Cs Bos this was a very different match I got a draw against Nick West which I was pleased with and the score was 2-2 waiting on the last game to finish was our Vince Barron against James Turner and was a hard fought draw so 2 1/2 each,

But Man of the Match was Keith McDonald winning both of his games In morning both graded about the same 14oo+ and in the afternoon Playing a much higher graded Douglas Heatlie 1599 and that was a great win for Keith, well played mate.

Musselburgh 2 win there first game of the season (Bank of Scotland 3)

 Bank of Scotland 3                                        Mussselburgh

 1      G. Pirrie          grade 1362    1            D. King        grade   1360     0 df

2      M. Kostryckyj grade  1332   0             M. Kelly        grade  1292     1

3      S.Ritchie         grade 1198  1/2           R. Dunnet     grade  1224    1/2

4      K.Page            grade 1185   1             R. Wilson       grade 1075     0

5      J. Melvin         grade 1137    0            J McKay         grade  703      1

6      game defaulted                    0                                                           1


waiting for David King Zzzzzzzzzz

Bank of Scotland arrived with only five men so we get a point for that but our board one does not turn up point to them so game is back to even, first result was on board 3 and it was a draw so still even, then our board 2 wins on time trouble but that’s down to good play by Maurice Kelly for making it hard at time for Michael Kostryckyj who took around forty minutes on one move, 2 games left to play young Jonathan Mckay on board five his first game for Musselburgh Jonathan played very well he was up two pawns then near the end was up a piece and two pawns with a pawn ready to promote and James Melvin could only stop it by taken it with rook and then Jonathan’s second pawn was now ready to queen and James resigned. this was the game that won the match for us with 3 1/2 points the last game to finish was a hard slog for Robert Wilson and he fought hard to the end but there was only going to be one result and that was a win  for Mr Kenny Page final score was 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 to Musselburgh 2.Musselburgh 2 vs B of S 3 10712747_10152825336627433_6905733835942821967_n 1609971_10152825358337433_8277146958716972685_n 1653701_10152825356912433_7398332323032603393_n 10421579_10152825354407433_2690056685440939756_n 10677990_10152825354752433_10152825350892433_15682_925_b 1530497_10152825359922433_5257953009445849209_n 1779301_10152825363977433_7138230236006768202_n 10462666_10152825366967433_2892199097098548291_n

The Summer Cup : round 1 The Tiger Cubs

The Tiger Cubs is a junior team from the Edinburgh Chess Club                                                                Image

The  Summer Cup is a handicap competition were if you grade is 200 points high than your opponents

they get 3/4 of a point before you start  and the Tiger Cubs got that on five of the six boards and on there

board one the young man got 1/2 point, we lost one game and drew one game so we had 4 1/2 to 1 1/2

but we lost the match 5 3/4 to 4 1/2 well that’s the nature of the game, and I have to say well done to the

Tiger Cubs and especially to there board 4 Siddharth Bera graded 592 against our Ronnie Dunnet graded 1192

600 grading points of a difference but the way the you guy played he is sure higher than that and he got 1 3/4

points for his game, and on board 2 we had Douglas McKinnon graded 1608 against young Ronald Coyne 1031

and that’s a difference of 577 which is a lot but performance wise not accurate, in there game it got down to king

and pawn to king  and Douglas with just the king was able to stop the promotion of the pawn so Ronald got 1 1/4

to Douglas’s 1/2 so was a very difficult match well played the Tiger Cubs.

( the Photo at the top was my opponent Benjamin Ridge)

Image board 1 Imageboard 2 Imageboard 6








My day as a Dragon

I received an email from Chris Donkin,  last week asking if I could play in a friendly chess match for the Wandering Dragons chess club was very pleased to play and have to say an honour to be ask it was a team of nine players a few of his players were playing in the Festive chess compitition at the Edinburgh chess club, so Chris was a couple of players short so I reply right away in case he changed his mind, so we meet up at the Kings Theartre, as you can imagine I was up at the crack of dawn and after my poridge got ready for my big day got a bus to town and was to early so popped in Starbucks for a coffee then made my way to the Kings and on arriving there was a guy sitting on the steps as I was aproaching this guy siting huddled in the door way I thought it was someone down on there luck (oops) it was Shaughn Howard, sorry Shaughn. Then one by one chess players seem to apear from all directions so we divide up and get in to our designated cars, and of we go and in no time at all we arrive at Dumfries and in entering the hotel we get a warm welcome and tea and coffee, so we all settle down and Chris and the opponents captain get the games setup and we are of my first game for the Dragons  was against Joe Biggins it was not a bad game no disasters in the openning (phew) but the end well that was a different story got involved in an exchange that after we started could not stop one piece then another another and as the last piece was exchanged it was a back rank mate. there was a little smirking smile that I have seen so many times before.