Musselburgh 2 win there first game of the season (Bank of Scotland 3)

 Bank of Scotland 3                                        Mussselburgh

 1      G. Pirrie          grade 1362    1            D. King        grade   1360     0 df

2      M. Kostryckyj grade  1332   0             M. Kelly        grade  1292     1

3      S.Ritchie         grade 1198  1/2           R. Dunnet     grade  1224    1/2

4      K.Page            grade 1185   1             R. Wilson       grade 1075     0

5      J. Melvin         grade 1137    0            J McKay         grade  703      1

6      game defaulted                    0                                                           1


waiting for David King Zzzzzzzzzz

Bank of Scotland arrived with only five men so we get a point for that but our board one does not turn up point to them so game is back to even, first result was on board 3 and it was a draw so still even, then our board 2 wins on time trouble but that’s down to good play by Maurice Kelly for making it hard at time for Michael Kostryckyj who took around forty minutes on one move, 2 games left to play young Jonathan Mckay on board five his first game for Musselburgh Jonathan played very well he was up two pawns then near the end was up a piece and two pawns with a pawn ready to promote and James Melvin could only stop it by taken it with rook and then Jonathan’s second pawn was now ready to queen and James resigned. this was the game that won the match for us with 3 1/2 points the last game to finish was a hard slog for Robert Wilson and he fought hard to the end but there was only going to be one result and that was a win  for Mr Kenny Page final score was 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 to Musselburgh 2.Musselburgh 2 vs B of S 3 10712747_10152825336627433_6905733835942821967_n 1609971_10152825358337433_8277146958716972685_n 1653701_10152825356912433_7398332323032603393_n 10421579_10152825354407433_2690056685440939756_n 10677990_10152825354752433_10152825350892433_15682_925_b 1530497_10152825359922433_5257953009445849209_n 1779301_10152825363977433_7138230236006768202_n 10462666_10152825366967433_2892199097098548291_n

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